February 8, 2025 -

  • 419.517.8400

Welcome to Congregation B'nai Israel

Congregation B’nai Israel is the center for Conservative Judaism in the greater Toledo, Ohio area. We are an egalitarian, inclusive congregation, and embrace both Jews and those in the community at large who wish to explore and enhance their connection with God and with Jewish spirituality, learning and culture. We are committed to Jewish tradition, while also recognizing the wonderful diversity of modern life. We enthusiastically welcome interfaith couples and families as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community and those considering associating with the Jewish community.

Our dedication to the concept of lifelong learning includes both adult education and a strong youth program, providing religious services, education, and programs for people of all ages.

CBI In-Person Attendance Policy

CBI welcomes back all members. Mask-wearing is OPTIONAL.

We ask that if you are feeling unwell or are exhibiting symptoms of the flu, Covid-19 or other illnesses that you either avoid in-person services or wear a mask to protect others.

Those who prefer not to attend in person are invited to watch our Live Stream or Zoom services.

For security purposes, we ask all guests to call the office at 419.517.8400 before attending.

CBI Live Stream & Zoom Services


Option 2: On your Computer, Tablet or Cell Phone:

At the top of the home page, click on the “Live Stream” tab. When the page opens, you will be connected to the live stream service.

Option 3: On your Smart TV:

Open the YouTube app and search for “Congregation B’nai Israel – Sylvania, Ohio”.
Be sure to click on the listing that says “Sylvania, Ohio”. Please “subscribe” to the CBI channel so that you can easily locate our live stream services in the future.

A Zoom link and passcode will be emailed to CBI members before the service date and time.

If you did not receive the information or are from another congregation and would like to participate, please contact the office during business hours at 419.517.8400.

Daily Services Schedule

Monday & Thursday at 8:00 AM – In Person/Zoom
Monday – Thursday at 5:45 PM – Zoom
Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday at 5:45 PM – Zoom
Shabbat, Saturday at 9:30 AM – In Person/Live Stream
*Sunday at 9:30 AM – In Person/Zoom

*when Religious School is in session

*Please contact the CBI office for the link and passcode to Zoom services.

This Week's Torah Portion

Monthly Calendar of Services and Events

Click the icon above to view and download the CBI Monthly Calendar

Upcoming Events

Parashat Hashavuah: Torah Portion of the Week

Friday mornings in February 11 AM – 12 PM, In-person at CBI

Join us each Friday morning to discuss and learn the weekly Torah portion with fellow CBI members and friends.

No registration or a knowledge of Torah required. Let’s all learn together!


Nosh & Knowledge: CBI Adult Education
"Defining Terms in the Context of the War in Gaza"
with speaker, Amichai Stout, Director JCRC

Sunday, February 2, 2025 10:30 AM at CBI

145 sovereign nations recognize an entity known as “the State of Palestine” – but what exactly does that refer to, and how is it different from the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, Hamas, and Gaza? And what does it mean when Israel’s Basic Laws define it as Jewish State? Come learn more about the importance of being intentional and informed in our language on these important issues.

Don’t miss this important program.


RSVP to Kim Brody at kbrody@cbitoledo.org by Friday, January 31, 2025.

Shabbat Shirah: The Sabbath of Song
with Hazzan Ivor Lichterman and Yuval Zaliouk

Saturday, February 8, 2025 9:30 AM at CBI and on Live Stream

Join us for a special high energy, musical Shabbat experience in words and music in honor of Shabbat Shirah – The Sabbath of Song & Jewish Music Season.

A special drash titled, “Songs of Strength – Jews and Music”, will be presented by CBI member, Yuval Zaliouk, Symphony Conductor, Toledo Symphony – Conductor Laureate.


RSVP to Kim Brody at kbrody@cbitoledo.org or the office by Friday, February 7, 2025.

CBI Movie Festival: "The Samuel Project"

Evening showing: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM In-Person at CBI

Afternoon showing: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 1:00 PM In-Person at CBI

Run time: 1 hour, 32 minutes
The Samuel Project is a 2018 family comedy drama film that tells the story of an outcast teen who connects with his isolated grandfather for the first time; he discovers he has a surprising past when he makes his grandfather the subject of an animated art project for school. The film stars Hal Linden, Ryan Ochoa.

Cost is $5 per movie. Snacks will be provided.


RSVP to Kim Brody at kbrody@cbitoledo.org by Fri., February 7, 2025

Volunteer to Help Hungry Children in Toledo

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Cherry Street Mission Building, 1501 Monroe Street

We are in need of 8-12 volunteers.

The volunteers will be putting together packages of food for children that live in the Toledo area.

RSVP to Kim Brody at kbrody@cbitoledo.org.

WCBI Celebrates Rosh Chodesh Shevat
"Whatever Happened to Paint-By-Numbers?"

Thursday, February 20, 2025 

Say “Paint-by-Numbers” to anyone old enough to read and nine out of ten will know exactly what it is. That is name recognition right up there with Elvis, Barbie, and Michael Jordan. It has become a household word and pure Americana. Join us as Toledoan, Larry Robbins talks about his father Dan’s book, Whatever Happened to Paint-by-Numbers?, which is a humorous personal account of what it took to make anyone an “artist”.

A delicious lunch will be served.

The Tikkun Olam for this program will be a monetary donation to benefit Yad LaKashish – Lifeline for the Old. Located in Israel, the organization’s mission is to give Jerusalem’s needy elderly a sense of purpose, self-worth, and connection to mainstream society through creative arts and crafts projects, essential support services, and a warm community environment. (To learn more visit: lifeline.org.il.)

RSVP by February 12th, 2025 to Miriam Beckerman at mesb@bex.net. The registration fee for this program is $15 and includes lunch. Please make your checks payable to “Women of CBI” and mail to: Miriam Beckerman, 6006 Main St. Sylvania, OH 43560. If transportation is needed, please let us know when you RSVP.


WCBI Book Club: February Selection
The Other Einstein
by Marie Benedict

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 10:30 AM at CBI

In the tradition of Beatriz Williams and Paula McClain, Marie Benedict’s The Other Einstein offers us a window into a brilliant, fascinating woman whose light was lost in Einstein’s enormous shadow. This novel resurrects Einstein’s wife, a brilliant physicist in her own right, whose contribution to the special theory of relativity is hotly debated. Was she simply Einstein’s sounding board, an assistant performing complex mathematical equations? Or did she contribute something more?


The Toledo library has 8 physical copies, plus various digital formats. 87 libraries have copies (including a kit for book clubs) on SearchOhio. 4 libraries have copies on OhioLink.

RSVP to Jan Kasle at jbkasle@gmail.com by Sunday, February 23, 2025.

Spread of playing cards

Join us for Canasta!

Tuesdays at 12:30 – 2:45 PM In-Person at CBI

We have had great fun playing canasta on Tuesdays at Congregation B’nai Israel.


If you are interested in playing, please contact Rhoda Miller at rmiller@cbitoledo.org.

Visit the CBI Gift Shop for all your Judaica needs​

Shabbat Candles • Candlesticks • Kiddush cups • Challah Covers • Challah Knives & Boards •  Havdallah Sets • Holiday Items • Shofars • Menorahs • Jewelry Assortment • Mezuzzot & Scrolls • Tallits (Prayer Shawls) • Women's & Men's Kippot • Tzedakah Boxes • Jewish Books • Kid's Holiday Items • Jewish Books and much, much more!

To make an appointment, please contact the office at 419-517-8400.

Click the icon above to go to the Gift Shop web page.

Click the link below to learn about Jewish Community Programs & Events

Click the link below to learn about Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs Programs & Events

Useful Links

Congregation B'nai Israel welcomes Interfaith families, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and all who seek a meaningful Jewish experience.


From the North:

Take US 23 to Sylvania Exit, turn left on Monroe St. to Harroun Rd. Take Harroun Rd. to Holland-Sylvania Ave., turn left at light. Take Holland-Sylvania Ave. to Sylvania Ave., turn right at light. Follow Sylvania Ave. about 1/2 mile to entrance to JCC/YMCA drive, turn left, then follow signs.

From the South:

Take US 23 to the Central Ave. Exit, turn left on Central Ave. Take Central Ave. to McCord Rd. (second light), turn right. Take McCord Rd. to Sylvania Ave. (about one mile), turn right, go about 1/4 mile to next light, turn right into JCC/YMCA drive, follow signs.

From the East:

Take I-475 West to Talmadge Rd. Exit, turn right on Talmadge Rd. Go to next light at Sylvania Ave. and turn left on Sylvania. Go about 2 and 1/2 miles on Sylvania Ave. to red light at entrance to JCC/YMCA drive, turn left, then follow signs.

Congregation B'nai Israel
6525 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560
419.517.8400|Email Us

Copyright © 2025 Congregation B'nai Israel. All rights reserved.