October 22, 2024 -

  • 419.517.8400

Youth Activities

The CBI Chapter of USY is BITUSY

Congregation B’nai Israel’s youth group is a busy and dynamic department that continually works on providing entertaining, inviting and educational programs for all ages. BITUSY (B’nai Israel Toledo USY), grades 9 to 12, and Toledo Kadima, grades 6 to 8, enable Jewish teens to connect with others and build lifelong memories under the national umbrella of United Synagogue Youth. Overseen by the Youth Director and the USY Student Board, USY and Kadima host a variety of engaging and dynamic programs that incorporate philanthropy, Jewish education, Israel affairs, and lots of fun.

USY and Kadima hold programming in CBI’s youth lounge monthly on Wednesdays, often with a pizza dinner. Four to five times a year, for USY, and once a year for Kadima, our students get together with other Jewish teens across the Central Region of USY (CRUSY) for weekend Shabbatons. Highlights of the USY and Kadima year have included the Hanukkah Mall Scavenger Hunt, Purim Carnival Late Night, Cake Boss Competition, Passover Chocolate Seder and Israel Movie Night.

In the summer, USY offers a variety of trips for our high school students, both in the United States, Israel and Europe. We encourage our teens to attend Camp Ramah for a Jewish camp experience. Scholarships for these programs, conventions, and other youth department activities are available through several generous grants managed by CBI’s Youth and Education Department.

Congregation B'nai Israel
6525 Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, Ohio 43560
419.517.8400|Email Us